We will ask your forgiveness in advance for this long post. There is a lot on our hearts that we feel lead to share with you.
Last Sunday at church, an amazing lady came up to Tonya and pressed some money into her hand and said, "I want to help with your adoption. I wish I had more to give you, but... I just hope that this helps." Tonya was moved to tears by this precious lady's love and generosity, as well as her obedience to the Lord when He placed our child on her heart. There was no way to express how much we needed to be encouraged that day and there still is not words to describe how in awe of God moments like these make us.
If that experience was not enough, there was a young lady about 12 years old who was standing with Tonya during this exchange. Afterward, she asked Tonya if we were trying to raise money to adopt our baby. Tonya told her yes. She asked a few more questions and then with the most tender and precious heart said, "I have a bunch of beads at home. I could get together with your girls and we could make jewelry and sell it to help you raise money." As Tonya hugged her and cried again she told this young lady what an amazing person she is and how she had so encouraged Tonya. With such a genuine heart she explained why she wanted to help. She said, "My parents helped me by loving me and adopting me, and I want to pass that on and help someone else." This makes us sob just to write it. God is so good. Because of her sweet parents' obedience not only her life is changed, but so many more will be as well, because of her desire to "pass it on." The awesome greatness of God in this situation is just beyond description.
Well, all that to explain where we are in the "process". We are scheduled for our home study to begin on February 28. This will be the first of four meetings with our social worker. We are trusting and believing that our God is faithful and He will supply our every need as we obediently walk in faith in accordance to His calling.
Please pray with us as we wait on the Lord for His provision. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support.
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