Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Waiting Room

Sunday night as we were going through our adoption manual for what seems like the millionth time, we came across a small line on the medical form that we had never noticed before.  How had we missed this?  We had looked at that form probably a dozen times!  Without delving into a controversial subject, we will just say that it was in regards to something that God had brought to our attention 9 years ago.  This is something He had spoken very clearly to us and we believe and trust that He impressed upon our hearts the right thing to do for our family, and we have continued to obey this conviction.  This one little line seems to counter that conviction.  We have consulted our social worker, and are waiting for some definitive answers.  She believes that there are ways we can handle this and be able to continue in the process of adoption.

Our hearts ache.  We spent some very sleepless hours last night in prayer.  At this point, we feel God telling us to wait.  That sounds so passive.  It conjures up visions of a hospital waiting room where everyone is sober and sedentary.  Praise the Lord, His waiting room is not like that.  Yes, there will be plenty of moments where we will need to just "be still before Him, and know that He is God", but being still and knowing are action verbs.  Actions that bring the peace of His presence into every situation.

So, what is the plan?  Well, at this point, we feel the Lord telling us to pray and prepare.  We will continue to prepare our home, our family, and our paper work, and we will wait on His voice to tell us to move forward.  We do not have His peace leading us to begin our home study today, so we will wait on Him.  We will be lead forward by His Peace.  We trust that our Father in Heaven has this worked our perfectly, and that His timing is perfect.  We do not wish to force His hand by running forward without His Peace.  Our Pastor said something on Sunday that is still resonating in our hearts. "God is more concerned and pleased with our submission and obedience in the process than He is about the outcome of the assignment He has us on."  Wow! This is what it is all about for us.  We will be submissive and obedient to God alone throughout this journey.  This journey is unique to our relationship with the Lord.  There is no way to compare it or try to formulate it to how someone else's journey took place.  Our one small little corner of His great picture will be unique as is everyones.  This is what makes His picture so perfect and beautiful.

Please be in prayer with us that God's perfect will and His perfect timing will come to pass.  Pray that we will undoubtedly hear His voice guide us and that His peace alone will lead us.  We so appreciate your prayers, encouragement, sensitivity, and understanding.  Just a little side thought that keeps running through my heart: "Maybe she's not ready for us to come get her yet." 
Trusting in His Grace, Peace, and Timing.
Frank and Tonya

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What is on our Hearts

We would like to take the opportunity to address some things that have been on our hearts.  We have been hearing God's call in our hearts to adopt for several years.  There were times we just flat out said, "no", because we did not have it in ourselves to take on something so big.  Then we came to the realization that adoption is God's heart and that we were not to answer this call in our own strength.  This was not and is not about us. It is all about Him.  Our job is to be faithful and continue to move forward 1 step at a time as He makes His will plain before us.  He is going to change this sweet baby's life and our lives and others' lives through this journey He has us on.  He has placed in our hearts an ache for our child on the other side of the world.  If one of our biological children was waiting for us on the other side of the world would we not do everything we could to get to them?  We feel the same way about this precious little soul.

God's Word says that true faith is a faith that cares for widows and orphans.  We know that not everyone is called to invite an orphan into their homes.  We would never try to tell another person what God's calling is for them.  That is a very personal thing.  Our heart in sharing information on this blog is that others who hear that same call will be encouraged to step out in faith, and that our family in Christ will join with us in prayer as we walk through this sometimes difficult and trying journey.  There is a lot of ups and downs and paper work.  Tonya's Dad used to say, "anything worth doing is never easy."  So true.  God does not promise that our lives will be easy and problem free.  We are told in His Word that "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart for I have overcome the world."  We are so thankful that Jesus has overcome the problems of this world so that even in difficult times we can have peace, knowing that our Heavenly Father has it all under control.  So we will cheerfully press on in the calling God has for us, giving Him all glory and honor.

Yesterday we began a new "business" that we are calling Muffin Mondays.  Tonya is making some of her healthy, yummy but good for you muffins and Frank is taking them to work to sell to co-workers on Mondays.  Everyone was so excited and supportive knowing that this is one of our ways of raising money to adopt our sweet baby.  Thank you to everyone who purchased muffins.  We appreciate your kindness and generosity. Please pass on the information and if possible, plan to have breakfast at work next week as well.  Your love and support is so encouraging to us.  You are all such a blessing.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and encouragement.  We daily pray blessings over you and are so grateful for your uplifting words of encouragement and prayers.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Where We Are In the "Process"

We will ask your forgiveness in advance for this long post.  There is a lot on our hearts that we feel lead to share with you.
Last Sunday at church, an amazing lady came up to Tonya and pressed some money into her hand and said, "I want to help with your adoption.  I wish I had more to give you, but...  I just hope that this helps."  Tonya was moved to tears by this precious lady's love and generosity, as well as her obedience to the Lord when He placed our child on her heart.  There was no way to express how much we needed to be encouraged that day and there still is not words to describe how in awe of God moments like these make us.

If that experience was not enough, there was a young lady about 12 years old who was standing with Tonya during this exchange.  Afterward, she asked Tonya if we were trying to raise money to adopt our baby.  Tonya told her yes.  She asked a few more questions and then with the most tender and precious heart said, "I have a bunch of beads at home.  I could get together with your girls and we could make jewelry and sell it to help you raise money."  As Tonya hugged her and cried again she told this young lady what an amazing person she is and how she had so encouraged Tonya.  With such a genuine heart she explained why she wanted to help.  She said, "My parents helped me by loving me and adopting me, and I want to pass that on and help someone else."  This makes us sob just to write it.  God is so good.  Because of her sweet parents' obedience not only her life is changed, but so many more will be as well, because of her desire to "pass it on."  The awesome greatness of God in this situation is just beyond description.

Well, all that to explain where we are in the "process".  We are scheduled for our home study to begin on February 28.  This will be the first of four meetings with our social worker.  We are trusting and believing that our God is faithful and He will supply our every need as we obediently walk in faith in accordance to His calling.
Please pray with us as we wait on the Lord for His provision.  Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What It's All About

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed by the greatness of this endeavor.  We know we are so very small and incapable of making this happen ourselves.  This will only happen through the Grace of God and His Divine Intervention. 
The other day as we were setting up a separate checking account for adoption expenses, the gentleman assisting us with our account mentioned that he had always been interested in adoption and that this was something he and his wife had been talking about recently.  As he asked questions and we began to share what God had placed in our hearts, we were reminded that our journey of adoption is really not about us. It is about the Heart of God and His Purposes and Plans.  By His great Love and Grace and through the great sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus, God has adopted us into His family.  Our minds can not begin to comprehend all of God's purposes and plans. Our small part is to daily be obedient to what He has called us to do and know that there is no such thing as coincidences.  Each moment and encounter is a divine appointment.  When things do not happen on our timing, they are still orchestrated perfectly in God's timing.  So we continue to prayerfully move forward into this calling, trusting that God is sufficient for our every need and that His Purpose and Plan will come to completion in His timing. 
To God alone be all Glory and Praise.