Sometimes we are so overwhelmed by the greatness of this endeavor. We know we are so very small and incapable of making this happen ourselves. This will only happen through the Grace of God and His Divine Intervention.
The other day as we were setting up a separate checking account for adoption expenses, the gentleman assisting us with our account mentioned that he had always been interested in adoption and that this was something he and his wife had been talking about recently. As he asked questions and we began to share what God had placed in our hearts, we were reminded that our journey of adoption is really not about us. It is about the Heart of God and His Purposes and Plans. By His great Love and Grace and through the great sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus, God has adopted us into His family. Our minds can not begin to comprehend all of God's purposes and plans. Our small part is to daily be obedient to what He has called us to do and know that there is no such thing as coincidences. Each moment and encounter is a divine appointment. When things do not happen on our timing, they are still orchestrated perfectly in God's timing. So we continue to prayerfully move forward into this calling, trusting that God is sufficient for our every need and that His Purpose and Plan will come to completion in His timing.
To God alone be all Glory and Praise.
I remember so many encounters like this through our adoption process. Hold on... God is going to speak a lot! I am so excited for you guys!