Sunday, December 20, 2015

Waiting for an Asterisk

What is an asterisk exactly?   Well, the word itself comes from the Latin word asteriscus or Greek word asteriskos, meaning “little star”.  Miriam-Webster’s dictionary defines it as, “a symbol * that is used in printed text especially to tell someone to read a note that can be found at the bottom of a page”. This note usually brings clarification or more detail to what was just said.

Sometimes we cringe when we see this little mark on our cell phone contract, a piece of advertising, or on a coupon we wanted to use.  It can often mean there are some restrictions and limitations in fine print at the bottom of the page that will limit us from enjoying a savings or special offer.  Sometimes, it can mean there is a definition of a word or further information about what was said at the bottom of the page.  This little star, though often overlooked, can give clarity and understanding to a word or situation.  This is my favorite type of asterisk.  I love to have more information and clarity.  My mind often hungers for clarity and understanding to what I am reading and even situations I may be facing.  I am quick to read the asterisked note at the bottom of a page, thinking, “This is where the real information can be found. This is where I will get my questions answered.”

I didn’t realize the power of this little symbol in my life until just the other day. The story of its significance stretches out over a considerable amount of time. It took me a while to finally come to this “little star” of clarity, and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning; that there will be more “little stars” of clarity and definition yet to come.  Here is my story:

It began 2 ½ years ago. We were in the adoption process and had not yet been matched with our Zoe. We were in a holding pattern of what seemed to be endless paperwork and forms to fill out with no clarity of direction.  Dear friends of ours were about to go get their son from China and needed someone to go with them to help with their older children.  They didn’t ask me to go, but were having difficulty finding someone to commit to go.  I felt The Lord very plainly tell me to go.  Frank was in agreement whole heartedly, so I offered to go.  The next thing I knew, I was on a plane to China with this precious family to bring home their little boy.  While in China, we visited a foster home for children with significant medical needs, run by a couple that were friends of our dear friends.  It was an amazing day! We held and played with the children.  I looked at each one and asked deep in my heart, “Lord, could this one be ours?”  There was no asterisk of clarity that day. Just more questions that remained unanswered. 

I returned home, still thinking and wondering about the children at the foster home.  They had so captured my heart.  A month later we were matched with our precious Zoe, who was on the opposite side of China from the foster home, and I was given that first asterisk of clarification.  From the moment I laid eyes on her precious picture, I knew deep in my heart, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was meant to be her momma, and she was my girl! No medical need or potentially challenging situation mattered.  The “little star” of clarity The Lord placed in my heart made everything else insignificant.  I have watched her walk through the heartache and grief of being adopted and leaving everything she knew behind at a young age. I have held her as she cried inconsolably with no words to describe the heartbreak and pain she felt inside. And I have held her hand, hugged, kissed, and rocked her as she healed and created new bonds of attachment and trust.  God has been so faithful! Each tiny step of progress is a “little star” giving my heart more clarity and understanding to who God is, what He is capable, and what His destiny and call for my life are.

The past 2 years of being Zoe’s mom has been more amazing, beautiful, and at times more challenging than I ever imagined when we were going through the adoption process.  Through it all God has given me little moments of clarification that have given me small glimpses of who HE is, His amazing unconditional love, and His ability to heal our hearts, minds, and bodies.  And yet, for the last year I have been feeling as though I needed another asterisk, a little more information about my purpose, and the direction God had me going.  Please don’t misunderstand.  I am very happy and content with my life.  I love the craziness and challenges of being a homeschooling mom of 4 precious children and wife to a wonderful husband.  I love watching our children grow, helping them learn, being a part of all their activities, cooking, cleaning, and organizing.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  I will be honest that, yes, there are days I want to just pull the covers over my head and hide because I just need a break, but believe me, I wouldn’t want any other life than the one God has given me.  I wouldn’t change a thing.

This need for an asterisk of understanding was more of a “I feel called to an assignment, but am not sure what the assignment is” kind of feeling.  I continued to pray and seek The Lord, but the asterisk just wasn’t there, so I continued doing what was before me to do. Love, laugh with, play with, and care for my family.

Frank and I continue to look at our adoption agency’s website and waiting children lists.  We just love children! We pray for them and their forever families, and that they will be matched soon.  One evening, we saw a little boy on the list that had been at the foster home I visited when in China. He was such a darling! I had pictures of me playing with him and hugging and loving on him.  He was just precious! 
We both started praying for him and his forever family.  We continued to watch the foster home website to see if he was matched.  When the children are matched, there is a little asterisk put by their name to direct you to the note at the bottom of the page that says, “*These children have been matched with a family.” Months went by, and he was not matched.  My heart ached for him.  Then one evening, as we were getting ready for bed, Frank began to share something God had put on his heart.  He explained that he had been praying for this little boy while driving to work that morning.  He was asking God why this little one’s forever family had not come for him yet and why was he still waiting. Frank explained to me that deep in his heart he felt God say, “He is still waiting, because you have not gone to get him.”  Wow!!! I don’t have words to express how stunned I felt.  Really?! Was this the asterisk I was waiting for? My response to Frank was more of a “ok, we don’t really know for sure if he is even still available”, “maybe this is really just an emotional thing” kind of response.  He smiled and asked me to call our agency the next day to see if this little boy’s file was available. Well, I didn’t sleep much.  Mostly, I just keep asking God and wondering, “Really?!?!?!”

The following day, I called and one of our social workers said she would see if his file was still available on a shared list (this means many agencies have access to it). It took a while, over a month to find his file and information.  Once it was found and we had a copy, we began reading through it. It seemed for Frank, this was all he needed. He knew this little boy was ours.  I kept wondering, waiting to feel like God had given that asterisk on the situation that would give clarity and confirmation.  As I looked through his file, none of what was said really mattered to me.  I kept seeing the pictures of myself playing with him flash through my mind, and I could hear the sound of his laughter when I had tickled his neck echoing in my ears.  But was he really ours? I was afraid to release my heart to love and attach to him as my son, because what if we found out he was already matched with someone else? I would be happy he had a forever family, but I will be honest, it would really hurt. 

After looking at his file just the one evening, we called our agency and asked what to do next.  This was a different order of things than our last adoption.   His file was pulled from the list, but we would need to send a Letter of Intent to China and receive Pre-Approval from them before we knew for sure he was ours. My mind kept asking, “Is he really ours, or has another family submitted a Letter of Intent before us and we just don’t know about it yet?” We had 24 hours to do this, which included filling out lots of papers and forms and taking our own passport pictures, which were terrible. Hopefully the Chinese government would not think they were mug shots! We did it and had it submitted in time, and then the 1-2 week wait began. The butterflies never left my tummy. Every time the phone rang I was hoping to see our social worker’s number. Nope.

1-2 weeks doesn’t usually seem that long to me when I am doing school with our children and running them to their various activities, cooking, cleaning, etc., but when waiting on that “little star” to bring light, confirmation, and clarity to this moment in our lives, it seemed like an eternity.  Then suddenly it came. The call.  I saw the number.  I answered with a shaky voice. This was it for me.  If she said that we had received pre-approval, I would know that this was that asterisk I was waiting for. This would be the clarity for the next call God had for me. She so sweetly asked how I was doing. My response was, “Umm, I have butterflies in my tummy so bad I think I am going to throw up.  I really need to know if we have PA.” She laughed and said, “ I have wonderful news for you. We received your Pre-Approval today!”  Bless her heart I was a mess! The laughing and crying all mixed together. I heard little of what she had to say after that. My heart just kept repeating this prayer, “I am coming my sweet boy! Lord let him know he has a mommy and daddy and we are coming as fast as we can!”

I thought this moment was the clarity, the little note that solidified the next step in my life.  I didn’t realize I was really waiting for another until it happened.  I kept checking the foster home’s website every other day to see if he had the little asterisk by his name, stating proudly, though in a small, non-assuming way, for the whole world, that he had a family. And even if no one knew who his mommy and daddy were, I knew.  But guess what, a week and no asterisk.  Hmm… Ok, I know they take care of lots of medically needy children, but this was important! There should be an asterisk by his name! He is mine! I finally quit looking, because it bugged me and I really wanted to focus on what I knew was true.  He was ours and we were going to get him.  My mind was made up.  I was determined. Let the paperwork begin!!!

Last Friday morning I received a text from a friend who watches the foster home website as much or more that I do.  “I almost cried yesterday before work when I saw that your little boy has his ‘I’ve been matched’ asterisk. That makes me so happy!”  the text said. What???!!!! How could I have missed it?! I had to see it for myself! There it was! For the whole world to see! He has a home and a family! And I know it’s us!!! I am his mommy! That was it! That little asterisk had the power to release a love and attachment in my heart that I did not realize I had been holding back, because I needed to see that asterisk giving clarity to my little boy’s name.  He is not an orphan in a foster home in China.  He is my son!!! I am his Mom, even if he doesn’t know it yet! I am coming for you my sweet boy, just as fast as I can!

God is so good! I am so thankful for this little asterisk of understanding and clarity for my life right now.  The adoption process can be so long and daunting at times, but now when I need a confirmation that the process is moving forward, all I have to do is look at the little asterisk by my son’s name and know, it will happen all in God’s perfect timing, because God has put and asterisk on the whole situation.  He is making us a family.  He is bringing us together from opposite sides of the world.  There is nothing I have to fear because God said we will be a family.  And if God says it, I can surely believe it. The real asterisk came when Frank received a word from God months ago telling us to go get our little boy.  Why did I feel like I needed to see it with my eyes? Wasn’t seeing it with my heart enough?  Lord, please help my tiny faith!!!  God is so good to give me what I needed.  He is growing my faith in such a loving, tender way.  I wonder, how many times has He given me a little asterisk, and I didn’t take time to read it, or I thought it was going to limit me or hold me back from something I wanted, so I moved on without taking the time to see the note by the little star that God gave me? What clarifications and understandings have I missed?  “Lord, I will be on the lookout from now on for “the  stars” you place in my life. The little asterisk notes that bring clarity and understanding of who You are, how amazing You are, and the life You have so graciously given me.”

So world, here is the news. There is one less orphan in the world!  Hayden has an asterisk by his name.  He is our son!