Monday, July 30, 2012

Slow and Steady

Our first home study went wonderfully!  We have been working on more paperwork so that we can complete our second home study, hopefully in August. 

Things feel as though they are going so slowly right now.  Paperwork is so daunting.  Just when we think we have made some progress, we get overwhelmed again by all we have yet to do.  Please pray with us that God will divinely provide time for us to get everything done.  It is a daily challenge to juggle homeschooling 3 children, their activities, work, and life's many responsibilities as well as tackle all our adoption requirements.  We have just returned home after some much needed rest and time away with family, and have jumped back into school so that we will be prepared to travel to China whenever the call comes. (next spring or summer hopefully)   

We press on knowing that God has a sweet little one for us, and that His timing is perfect.  Thank you so much for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support.  God is so good and has blessed us with so many wonderful friends and family members whose prayers sustain us.
Frank and Tonya