God has so graciously covered us with the peace of His presence lately. We have made some progress with our home and great strides in our paper work as well.
Last weekend we completed our online 10 hour Hague Compliance Training! Yeah! Our amazing friends Mark and Buffi Young are also in the process of adopting, and they needed to do the class as well, so we did it together. They actually spent the night on Friday so we could stay up late and get an early start on Saturday. After 10 long hours the 4 of us joyfully printed our certificates of completion. Doing the class with them made it so much more fun and enjoyable than it would have been to do the class alone. Plus, they brought a wealth of information and wisdom to the experience, since this is their second time to adopt from China. We are so very blessed that God has intertwined our lives with theirs. We feel so privileged to be on this journey of adoption with them. They brought their amazing 3 children with them who played with our children. The 6 kiddos played beautifully and had a blast together. They think we should all move in together. I love children!
We have completed reading The Connected Child , which is a great book. We have another book and one more all day training session we need to do with the International Adoption Clinic in Birmingham.
The big news is that we start our home study JUNE 12. So glad that it is finally just about here. We have such peace about the timing of it. God is so good. We are so thankful for the way He orders our steps. Our heart's desire is to stay in alignment with His perfect will.
Please be in prayer for us as we have a sense in our spirits that things are about to really start moving fast. Your prayers, support, and encouragement are such a blessing to us. We daily thank God for all of you who are praying us through this journey.
Frank and Tonya